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- Equipo de pruebas de tensión
Equipo de pruebas de tensión
DUAL CAPACITY M35+ (35kN or 65kN) Manufacturado en Reino Unido [+ info]
DUAL CAPACITY M35+ (35kN or 65kN)
Manufacturado en Reino UnidoThe Hydrajaws M35+ Easi-Effort® Modular Digital Pull Tester can
test up to 35 kN or 65 kN on the same device, with an easily configurable
optional bridge setup, without the need of a separate tester.This lightweight and ergonomic pull tester is enhanced by our Easi-Effort®
technology, increasing testing frequency and reducing operator effort.
It is an essential tool for carrying out pull testing... -
REBAR ADAPTORS Manufacturado en Reino Unido [+ info]
Manufacturado en Reino UnidoThese adaptors are specially made for the 145kN test unit, and allow for a standard ribbed rebar dowel to be tested using this ingenious design
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