According to the Article 10 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you this: website and and and belongs to CHEMFIX PRODUCTS LTD.
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CHEMFIX PRODUCTS LTD refuses any and all responsibility with regard to any sort of information contained in other websites that can be acceded through links therein. Links included in the website inform about the existence of other information sources related to the main topic of the source site and do not presume any suggestion or invitation to the user for visiting target websites. CHEMFIX PRODUCTS LTD is not responsible for the obtained result going through these links which are not checked nor verified by CHEMFIX PRODUCTS LTD
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Pursuant to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 with regard to the processing of data and the free movement of such data, you are hereby informed that information provided by the contact forms on this website or from emails, will only be used to respond to your request for information. It will only be incorporated into a file if establishing a business relationship between you and CHEMFIX PRODUCTS LTD If you want to receive information about our offers or news and you decide to register yourself to our Newsletter, your data will be incorporated into a Newsletter database created by CHEMFIX PRODUCTS LTD for this purpose. Under no circumstances will be disclosed to third parties.
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